Alexandra Bring about training and motivation

Alexandra Bring about training and motivation

Have you heard about Alexandra Bring? If not, you have already seen at least one of the photos of this young fitness diva. Let us introduce Alexandra – a Swedish fitness model who replaced the heels with a pair of Nikes. This new, hopeful and worldwide admired Swede charmed the whole world with a love of exercise, her appearance and certainly her cute face.

What do you need to know about Alexandra?

Alexandra Bring is just a pseudonym, her real name is Alexandra Tornegren but who would remember this Nordic name? Alex is often compared to a fitness guru, Jen Selter, because of the similarity of their bodies.

It is more than clear that this typical northern woman loves an active lifestyle. She has been practicing gymnastics since she was 12 years old, and perhaps on the recommendation of her bodybuilding father, she decided to try bodybuilding too. This fitness model with a height of 167 cm and a weight of 52 kg specializes mainly in one part of the body – butt. She’s obviously proud of it because she likes to post it on social media thus her butt reaps fame all over the internet.

“My vision is to motivate as many people as possible to feel good!”

Alexandra is not only known for her “selfies” at the gym, but also for breathtaking video blogs. She runs one of the largest fitness blogs in Sweden that deals with topics such as fitness, healthy eating, training plans, motivation as well as mental health.

These topics are not unknown to her at all since she studied nutritional counseling. Therefore, she can share her knowledge and experience on a blog and spread it to the world. She believes that everything fits together as a puzzle and that it is important to achieve a balance and relationship between physical and mental health. Her vision is to motivate as many people as possible to feel good.

Alexandra Bring and trainings

Alexandra trains really intensively five times a week for 45 minutes to 1h. One training is always devoted to squats and heavy presses. Her good friend and coach Anders always helps her with them. She devotes other two workouts to legs, followed by back and biceps training. The last training is devoted to the muscular parts of the chest, biceps and shoulders. Indeed, she changes her trainings according to her current goals. When it comes to cardio workouts, this fitness diva is not a big enthusiast of it and she rather focuses on quality stretching.

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Many people find it difficult to start exercise regularly. Did you share this feeling at the beginning?

Yes. It was hard for me to get into the routine. I think there are few people who, after their first training, get into this cycle and start training regularly. It’s about acting instead of “starting tomorrow”, which is really easy.

What is your workout motivation?

When I train and eat well, I have a better sleep, I feel much more satisfied and happy. This is what motivates me. This is the main reason why I workout. I consider the nice body as a bonus.

You mentioned motivation. What advice would you give our readers on motivation?

I think it is very important to have goals. Set realistic goals, and when you achieve them, it will be a confirmation that all the hard work has paid off.

What tips would you give to beginners who just want to start working out. What do you think is the best way to get started?

I definitely recommend starting with a personal trainer, although I know that this is not always possible for everyone. If you do not have a personal trainer, it is very important to be careful since there is nothing easier than getting hurt. For example, when training legs, the knees are prone to get hurt.

Before trying squats or lunges, google the way of how to do them correctly so that you don’t get hurt. Also, wait with heavier weights until you have perfectly mastered the technique. Another tip is to write down your workout plan before going to the gym. When you don’t have a plan, it’s easy to just visit the gym without knowing what to do.

What do you do when you have a bad day and you’re not in the mood to workout?

It does not happen too often that I’m in absolutely no mood to train, but yeah, everybody has such a day from time to time. When I’m not in the mood for training, I try to do at least something. For example, I force myself to at least a short training. I usually do it this way but sometimes I skip training altogether.

Inseparable pair that eventually split up

It is quite normal that after reading this article and seeing the photos of this positively tuned beauty, you are wondering whether she’s single. For many years, Alexandra has formed a couple with a personal trainer and fitness model Ako Rahim. In addition to being devoted to Crossfit, Ako is also a gladiator in the Swedish TV series with an unexpected name – Gladiator. However, they are not dating anymore and Alexandra has found another man with whom she already has a baby – Lou.

One more thing. You might remember the “Yes, I Squat” T-shirt. Alexandra Bring is the young lady who practically invented this famous T-shirt and had it made.

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