Creative training: bodyweight exercises inspired by dance

Creative training: bodyweight exercises inspired by dance

If you want to get the desired perfect figure, you don´t have to lift tons of iron or spend hours on treadmill. Your workout doesn´t have to consist only of monotonous exercises, it can be also full of fun and always different movements. So just turn of the music and let yourself be carried away by the rhythm. Dance is one of the first full body workouts ever. It is a high intense training that combines cardio and strength training with all types of stylish dance disciplines. You don´t even have to worry if you can´t dance. Experienced instructors during classes or video tutorials will show you that really everyone can work out with dancing. [1]

Creative training: bodyweight exercises inspired by dance

Benefits of workouts inspired by dance

Many health benefits are associated with intense workout inspired by various dance styles. In addition to strengthening the muscle mass, dance also [1] [2]:

  • improves cardiovascular health – if you will include intense cardio inspired by dance to your workout plan, you can improve blood circulation in your body and help the health of your hearth by regular exercises.
  • helps with weight loss – dance workouts usually last long time and are intense, that´s why the amount of calories burned is really high. So that´s why dancing is ideal exercise to get rid of fat pads.
  • relieves stress – during the workout, hormones of happiness – endorphins are washed out from our body. If you listen to great dance music during the workout, the body relieves stress faster and easier. Also is has been proven, that dancing is associated with reducing the risk of dementia in old age, in addition to relieving stress.
  • does not overload the body -almost all types of exercises push the body out of its comfort zone, bud dance gives it a freedom. If you feel that your body can´t dance anymore or it is worn, everything what you need to do it to change the direction of movement and continue.
  • exercise only with your own bodyweight – only thing you should focus on in the dance fitness, is your clothing and strong shoes. These have to be comfortable and should no restrict movement.
  • improves coordination – statistics and many studies show that dance helps to improve the body´s coordination and at the risk of falling or injury, your body is better able to balance and to mitigate the fall.
  • causes joy and happiness – dance offers a variety of movement. During the workout you listen to great music, you have freedom of movements and you will will never experience the routine.
Benefits of workouts inspired by dance

Fitness workouts inspired by dance

There are countless dance styles in the world, which later became effective workout plans. Combination of music and exercise has become popular a long time ago, but we will show you the list of the most popular exercises inspired by dance, that you can practice even today at home.

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Do the dance rhythms of salsa, samba and latina move your hips? So then zumba is something for you. It is a training phenomenon that has become the most popular dance workout in the world. Zumba is a combination of two dance styles – Latin and African. Usually zumba is practiced on the rhythms of Latin and modern music.

The big advantage of zumba is that both women and men of different ages and physical abilities can do it. If you think that to do dance training you should know how to dance, zumba will show you that you the opposite. It is not difficult creation, it is classical bodyweight exercise, that you simply practice with the music on. There are several types of zumba, from aqua zumba workouts in the water or zumba toning that includes weights for even more calorie burning and muscle toning. There are also zumba workouts for children. [3]

Benefits of zumba workouts:

Already 60 minutes of intense zumba workout can burn an average of 360 calories, which is almost as such as during 60 minutes of light running on treadmill. Participants of one smaller studies burned an average of 369 calories in 39 minutes of workout. Also, another studies found out that aerobic fitness of participants was significantly improved during 12-week zumba program. Zumba is therefore ideal workout to burn fat, strengthen muscles and flexibility. Another important benefit of zumba workout is alternating of exercises with high and low intensity during the workout, that significantly help to increase heart beat and endurance. It is proven by a research which showed that heart beat and systolic blood pressure was significantly improved by people who took part in 12-week zumba program. Another research found out that zumba workout by overweight women was beneficial in reducing blood pressure and weight loss. [3] [4] [5] 

Areas of focus:

Zumba like most of the dance exercises, is primarily focused on full body. Movements can individually practice the core of your body, legs using squats, jumps and lunges, abs and back.

Pole Dance

Pole dance is phenomenon among women, who desire to strengthen the body and creative workout. It is full body workout that requires endurance, flexibility, overall strength and fitness. Although it is bodyweight exercise, you will need one equipment – a pole Compared to other dance workout, pole dance requires skills similar as weightlifting. If you want to be a good pole dancer, you have to have strong hands, body core and legs. Your entire body has to be prepared for demanding creations on the pole. So, before you even get to the pole, there are a few preparation workouts “on dry land” during which you will strengthen your muscles. Pole dance is usually associated with strip club. It is not a cheap dance, pole dance is unique mixture of gymnastics, acrobatics and dance. [6] [7]

Benefits of pole dance workouts:

  • effectively burns calories – pole dance engages all muscles that are constantly stretched. It is therefore an ideal isometric and cardiovascular workout. In duration of 30 minutes of intense workout you can burn as much calories as if you were doing aerobic or calisthenics, which obviously leads to weight loss.
  • increases self-confidence – it is obvious that if you do any workout and you can see the results of hard work on yourself, you self-confidence immediately increases. Thanks to pole dance you can increases it a bit more. Your body posture will be improved and you will translate graceful movements from workouts to everyday casual life.
  • flexibility – pole dance workouts will increase your flexibility and so they can be effective in reducing the problems such as back pain, stiff neck or muscle ache. It minimizes the risk of muscle stiffness and you will move more smoothly and more freely. The proper flexibility also help to prepare women for pregnancy and childbirth.
  • reduces joint pain – joint pain is serious and persistent problem for many people, especially for women who have higher risk for developing osteoporosis. Developing strong bones and connective tissues along with increasing joint mobility during pole dance significantly help to reduce the risk of osteoporosis for women. Due the fact that you constantly strengthen muscles of the hand by holding the pole, you can avoid also common and recurrent problems such as Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • improves cardiovascular problems – pole dance is as good for your heart as any other form of intense aerobic workout by supporting blood flow. [6] [7]

Areas of focus:

Pole dance focuses on practicing the full body, as you need to keep your body always stretched. Especially it will help you to strengthen your hands, legs and back.

Hip-Hop Tabata

Although hip-hop dance may seen a bit intimidating at the first sight, because not everyone is natural dancer, there is nothing to be worry about. Hip-hop tabata is divided into individual movements, where you fully focus on various muscle parts. During the workout you listen to dance music and as soon as you master the the movement technique, you will incorporate it into simple choreography. Hip-hop tabata is basically a busy aerobics workout, that strengthens and tone the body through a variety of dance movements. It is funny and challenging workout, that will make you sweat, while you are spinning on the dance floor like a true legend. [8]

Benefits of hip-hop tabata workouts:

Every intense workout increases your heart rate and has aerobic benefits. Hip-hop tabata is especially intense aerobics, because you constantly move during the workout. During the whole duration your body receives oxygen, transports it to the muscles and help to burn fat. It can therefore help you to lose the weight, lower the blood pressure, stress and also it gives you a proper dose of energy. When doing the right and precise movements, it can also help you to tone your muscles, build their strength, and also to increase the flexibility of your joints and bones. [9]

Areas of focus:

Hip-hop tabata is intense workout that also focuses on practicing the full body. You can divide the workout based on which areas you want to work on. You can focus on abdomen, butt or legs.

Masala Bhangra

Masala Bhangra is a combination of Indian dance, Bollywood culture and aerobic workout devoted for people of all ages and fitness levels, who like to stay physically active. It is a high energetic dance Bhangra transformed into fitness workout. Thanks to dance choreography that is directly influenced by music and dance of modern styles of Bhangra and Bollywood, Masala Bhangra is a fresh and exciting gust in the world of fitness and dance. Its creator is Sarina Jain, who is a well known fitness celebrity for 23 years. If you like Indian culture, Masala Bhangra is perfect for you. [10]

Benefits of Masala Bhangra workouts:

The health benefits of Masala Bhangra include strengthening the muscles, heart strength and frequency and it also helps to build the endurance. Workouts are complete cardiovascular workouts, during which you will effectively strengthen muscles, flexibility and stability. Also, rhythms of Indian music will motivate you to better results, making your journey to healthier self even easier. [10]

Areas of focus:

Masala Bhangra provides overall body strengthening, but it primarily focuses on areas such as arms, back, abdomen and legs.

Belly dance

Belly dance comes from Middle East and has a long history. It served to entertain the monarchs and women, who performed it, were considered as extremely attractive. This dance is not just about shaking or moving your hips. Movements technique is really challenging and thanks to it the dancers kept strong muscles. That´s why the technique of belly dance is nowadays used as a part of fitness trainings. Belly dance is exercise with low risk of injury, and that´s why it is suitable for women of all age categories. [11] [12]

Benefits of belly dance workouts: 

  • improves body posture – constant moving of hips, pelvis and back leads to increased release of synovial fluid between the vertebrae, which is basically the natural body lubricant. As a result, bones and muscles do not wear out. Since you constantly use your muscles during the movements, you strengthen them and improve the strength of back and body posture.
  • great cardio – belly dance is also great cardio workout, thanks to which you can burn up to 350 calories per hour, depending on intensity and body weight. Thanks to a regular blood flow, it helps to reduce cardiovascular problems and in combination with healthy diet it can be a great tool to lose the weight.
  • helps to relax – belly dance can have meditative effects, especially if you use captivating music to practice it. It is female form of workout, that provides the deepest form of self-expression. You mind is relaxed and workout are carried in a calm atmosphere. [12]

Areas of focus:

Unlikely its name, the dance focused on more muscle parts then just the abdomen. Main movements of belly dance involve muscles of back, pelvis, abdomen, neck, legs, hands and arms.

Jazzercise (dance cardio)

If Latin music is not for you, but you like to shake in the rhythm of music, try jazzercise. It is a fitness program, that combines pilates, yoga, kickbox and resistance exercises into one complex dance workout. At the beginning of jazzercise, jazz was used as the background music and the main exercises were jazz dance steps. Ver the time, this technique adapted to periods of 80s and 90s and it also found its places nowadays. If you would go to jazzercise classes today, the choreography would be adapted to modern songs. So it is cardio bodyweight exercises with high intensity, that will help you ti burn high amount of calories. For example the popular actress Gwyneth Paltrow loves it. [13] [14]

Benefits of jazzercise workouts:

  • helps to improve cardiovascular problems – like all intense exercises, also jazzercise helps to improve the blood flow in the body and thus helps to improve the blood pressure. Basically, your heart becomes stronger and can pump more blood with less effort.
  • strengthens bones – people who don´t do any exercises, are later more prone to developing osteoporosis. Studies show that regular exercises reduces the risk of developing this problem. Continuous exercises during your life seriously reduces the risk of fractures.
  • strengthens the muscles – like every exercise, also jazzercise strengthens your muscles. The more intense the training is, the more you involve your muscles and tone them to perfection.
  • supports weight loss – regular jazzercise workout with high intensity can burn up to 600 calories per hour, making burning fat pads much easier. In combination with healthy diet, this exercise is ideal to support weight loss and improve fitness. [14]

Areas of focus:

Since it is a combination of aerobic and strength workout, it is primarily focused on full body muscles. Each jazzercise workout is specific and therefore it can be focused separately on muscles of abdomen, butt, legs or arms. Basically, every dance training is a cardio training and it supports fat burning and strengthening the muscles in the entire body.

Take a look at the table to see how much calories can you burn with dance workout compared to casual trainings such as run or cycling. Keep in mind that everything depends on intensity of the workout, body weight and his physical condition. [4] [6] [8] [10] [11] [13] [15]

Physical activity
The average number of calories burned per hour
Running – 8 km/h400 kcal
Cycling – 16 km/h420 kcal
Lifting weights in the gym – 70 kg person230 kcal
Zumba350 – 650 kcal
Pole Dance250 350 kcal
Hip-Hop Tabata388 – 465 kcal
Masala Bhangra300 700 kcal
Belly dance270 320 kcal
Jazzercise350 600 kcal

So what, will you get inspired by our tips and will you try some of the exercises inspired by dance? Don´t forget that movement in any form is always a great choice. Thanks to dance workouts, you will get entertained while burning the calories and strengthening the muscles. If you liked the article, we will be grateful for sharing it.


[1] Daniel Bubnis, MS, NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS – 8 Benefits of Dance –

[2] Everyday Heath – 9 Health Benefits of Dance –

[3] Daniel Bubnis, MS, NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS – The Surprising Health Benefits of Zumba –

[4] Mary Luettgen, Carl Foster, Scott Doberstein, Rick Mikat, and John Porcari – Zumba®: Is the “Fitness-Party” a Good Workout? –

[5] Cugusi L, Wilson B, Serpe R, Medda A, Deidda M, Gabba S, Satta G, Chiappori P, Mercuro G; Working Group of Gender Cardiovascular Disease of the Italian Society of Cardiology. – Cardiovascular effects, body composition, quality of life and pain after a Zumba fitness program in Italian overweight women. –

[6] van Dimitrijevic – 10 Unexpected Health Benefits of Pole Dancing –

[7] Health24 – 10 things pole dancing can do for you –

[8] Elite Dance Studio – Top 5 Health Benefits of HIP-HOP dance –

[9] The Aerobic and Anaerobic Benefits of Hip Hop Dance –

[10] Promita Mukherjee – Masala bhangra your way to fitness –

[11] Anita Makwana – 5 benefits of belly dancing –

[12] Boing L, Baptista F, Pereira GS, Sperandio FF, Moratelli J, Cardoso AA, Borgatto AF, de Azevedo Guimarães AC – Benefits of belly dance on quality of life, fatigue, and depressive symptoms in women with breast cancer – A pilot study of a non-randomised clinical trial. –

[13] Melissa Bell – Can Jazzercise Help you Lose Weight? –

[14] Mersy DJ – Health benefits of aerobic exercise. –

[15] How Many Calories Do You Burn While Running? –