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The idea of losing weight and getting the dream body is familiar to many of us. Finally, it’s your turn, and you’ve made the decision. Your goal is to lose a few kilos and not only look, but most importantly feel better. The first steps are full of huge enthusiasm that you share on social networks in the form of a photo from the gym even before the results arrive. You ventured, read a few exercise articles, waived dinner at McDonald’s, and spent the first week working as hard as you could.
You step on the scale after seven days and find that the resulting number is not at all what you expected. Maybe you did better and lost a few kilos during the first month. But then the whole process kind of stopped. The fact is that the key to weight loss is regular physical activity and caloric deficit. We can achieve this with lower energy intake and more physical activity. However, there are several factors that can sabotage your effort. So if you feel that the path to your dream weight is not going according to your plan, join me to find out the reasons why this is actually happening. At the same time, we will look at how to solve individual problems. Because the most important thing in the whole process is to never give up!
The key to success is caloric deficit
Calories in food give the body the energy it needs to survive. Once you eat something, your body breaks it down to release energy for immediate use or stores it for later. This happens depending on what you need at the moment. To maintain your weight, you need to receive a certain amount of calories. If you want your weight to drop, you need to get into a caloric deficit.
This means that you consume less calories than you need to stay at your current weight. In this case, your body will resort to burning stored calories for energy, which will make you lose weight. The energy intake to create a caloric deficit varies from person to person. The specific value depends on several factors. [1]
You can also calculate the caloric deficit using our Online Energy Intake and Macronutrient Calculator. To learn more about caloric deficit, read our article Caloric Deficit: How to Lose Weight and Also Have a Life.

15 reasons why weight loss doesn’t work
There are several factors that can affect your weight loss efforts. That is why we introduce 15 possible reasons that may prevent you from achieving the desired goal. We will also add tips on how to deal with them.
1. You are trying to compensate poor diet by more exercise
The decision to lose a few kilos is on the table, and your first step is to join a gym. There you sweat blood and after the workout you don’t forget to take a selfie for your Instagram. Then you return home and eat everything you can get your hands on. A beer or two with your friends in the evening is a must, followed by some fast food. You then repeat this process throughout the week with minor changes, and soon you find out that you don’t see any results.
The above-mentioned caloric deficit means that when you are losing weight, the body must burn more calories than you consume. Unfortunately, exercise alone is not enough if you have a bad diet. In general, the combination of lower caloric intake and increased physical activity is most effective. This is confirmed by several studies, according to which significant weight loss without sufficient dietary changes is very unlikely in most people. In reality, this problem manifests itself in the fact that, for example, after an hour of cycling, you think about the huge amount of calories you’ve burned, and thus you think that you can eat anything.

However, this is not entirely true. Let’s take a particular example. A 65 kg woman who rides a bicycle at a speed of 17 km/h will burn about 442 kcal. In the case of an 80 kg man, this number is approximately 544 kcal. This value can be compared to a 100 g chocolate bar. If our guy eats the aforementioned chocolate bar after an hour of cycling, and, in the evening, he drinks a beer (approx. 236 kcal) and snacks on some salty chips (approx. 500 kcal), then not only is he not in caloric deficit thanks to his physical activity, but he actually gets into surplus. As a result, instead of losing weight, he is actually gaining some. [7–8]
What can be done about it?
It doesn’t make sense to rush anything. If you have already decided to set out on a journey for a better body, try to do things properly from the very beginning. First of all, you should set a realistic, measurable and timely goal, for example – lose 2 kg in 2 months. If you have a good training plan, which you can do even at home and your sleep is under control, food is the last thing to take care of.
One of the most effective methods to control your calories is to count them. A nutritionist can help you with that, but with a little effort, you can do it yourself. In such a case, be sure not to check out our Simple Guide on How to Count Calories and Reach Your Goals. Remember that the best way to lose weight is a combination of exercise and limited calorie intake. [9]
2. You misjudge your progress
Your enthusiasm to lose weight is visible everywhere. You have swapped fast food for a healthy diet, and you never skip a day of training. However, the number on the scale did not change even after many days, and you feel slightly disappointed. Rather than dwell on it, you need to realize that this is a fairly common situation.
Body weight tends to fluctuate by several kilograms. It depends, for example, on diet, age, sleep, hydration and other factors. Hormones can also have a major impact on how much water your body retains (especially in women). In addition, you can gain muscles while losing fat, which happens mostly if you have only recently started exercising. [2–4]
If you want to know more about this issue, be sure to check out our article Why the Scale Shows a Higher Number and It’s Not Fat.

What can be done about it?
When you weigh yourself, always try to do so at the same time of the day, under the same conditions. Ideally in the morning, after visiting the toilet. However, try using something else to measure the progress of your diet. The fact remains that the scale is not the know-it-all and the measurement of continuous progress requires more indicators. The ideal measuring tape can be the ideal choice for this purpose. When measuring, wrap the tape around your chest, waist, hips, arms and thighs to see the circumference of each area. Write down the resulting numbers and compare them later.
Measuring specific areas can give you a better idea of where you are losing fat. Each of us loses it differently and in different places. This is one of the reasons why it can easily happen that the part of the body you are trying to slim down the most might actually go last. You can take a photo of your body on a dark background, and or try on tight-fitting clothing, which will start feel looser on you. [5–6]
3. You eat too many calories
I’m sure you also have your favourite foods or snacks that you don’t want to give up at any cost? The problem is that this should not play any role in your diet plan. Although you agreed to a certain reduction in caloric intake, the beloved fried steak is still there. Well, one lunch a week can’t hurt you, right? But what if you get invited to a party where you also eat a piece of cake and a small portion of salad. You nibble on something all the time, and suddenly all your weekly efforts are completely gone.
Of course, it’s not even a party without a few drinks, so, once again, you use the same excuse that you work hard and these “little things” are not even worth talking about. Wrong! You may not think that this applies to you, but scientific studies are constantly proving that people tend to underestimate their caloric intake by a significant amount. This applies not only to celebrations and parties, but also in everyday life, when people think they ate much less than they actually did. That’s why this is one of the most common reasons why your weight doesn’t drop the way you imagined. [10–12]
What can be done about it?
Try to get your calories under control. Keep track of what you eat to easily detect your transgressions. Even small changes can reduce the number of calories, such as replacing high-fat foods with healthy alternatives. You can try, for example, low-calorie pasta, calorie-free sauces, protein bars or chips. You should also limit alcohol, and a Teflon pan, which you can use to prepare food without added oil, is definitely worth a try. [13]
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4. You miscalculate your calories
In fact, this is a case similar to the one we mentioned in the previous paragraph. The difference is that now you’re trying to control your calories a little more, and it’s time to count them. Even if you are fully aware of this technique, you probably don’t pay that much attention to calorie counting. Sometimes you forget something, you miss something here and there, you ignore drinks and here we go, the problem is born.
The problem with miscounting calories can occur if you write them down later on because you always happen to forget something. Or you might even misjudge the portion size and write down a smaller amount than you actually ate. Caloric deficits may require the most accurate values that you will not achieve without using a kitchen scale. You can’t ever estimate the amount perfectly.
What can be done about it?
Your calorie counting requires more punctuality. Try to write down everything you consume, either in advance or immediately after finishing it. You will avoid forgetting something. You can’t just estimate your calories, although your estimate will gradually improve by getting to know your diet better. Make sure you have them calculated correctly and follow the set plan. [40]
Various fitness apps can also help you as they make recording calories much more convenient. Use a kitchen scale and weigh your portions. You should get the weight in the raw state, as it is the most accurate way to calculate energy. Keep in mind that the caloric deficit does not allow for a cheat day. However, if this happens to you, don’t forget to write it down. You should not ignore drinks and beware of differences in values between raw and cooked food.
5. You have insufficient protein intake
Surely, you know very well that if you want to gain muscle, the most important is to increase your protein intake. You say that your goal is to lose weight, so you do not consider protein intake essential. Your weight loss is suspiciously slow, and you suffer from an unbearable feeling of hunger during your diet. One of the reasons may be the fact that the mentioned proteins are not so useless even when you are on a diet.
Proteins are important for cell growth and regeneration. They also have the ability to protect muscles from breaking down, which you will appreciate, especially when you are on a diet. In addition, out of the three macronutrients, proteins are the most saturated, so they can help you with unpleasant feelings of hunger. This fact was also monitored by a 12-week study which showed that people whose protein intake was 30% of their total calories per day ate 441 calories less per day and lost 5 kg. Protein can also replace those ‘no flour, no sugar’ cakes, which can possibly lead to extra calories. Proteins have a high thermal effect, which is the energy needed to metabolize them. [18–19]

This means that when digesting protein, the body burns the most calories of all other nutrients. Just for comparison, the thermal effect of carbohydrates is about 5 – 10%, depending on their type. It is 0 – 3% for fats and up to 20 – 30% for proteins. Thanks to the thermal effect, you can burn a little more calories and make weight loss a little easier. [14–17]
If you are more interested in the thermal effect and metabolism, you can read about them in the article Could Your Metabolism Have Slowed Down or Be Damaged? 5 Tips to Speed It Up.
What can be done about it?
General recommendations for protein intake talk about 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight. However, this is a minimum value for people who live a sedentary lifestyle. In the case of more active people, a value of 1.2 – 2.2 g / kg tends to apply because their physical activity requires a higher protein intake. The specific amount depends on several factors, such as the level of physical activity, lifestyle, age, and the like. [38–39]
If you are concerned that you don’t know enough about this topic, read our Article 5 Warning Signs You are Not Getting Enough Protein.
Ideally, each meal in your diet should contain a portion of protein. Focus your diet more on meat, eggs, plant-based meat alternatives (for vegans), fish, legumes or dairy products, which are among the best sources of protein. Supplementation is also very effective, which can boost your protein intake with the help of quality whey, vegetable or multi-component protein. [19]
6. You don’t exercise hard enough
You pay attention to your calories and try to exercise regularly. The problem is that most of your time in the gym is spent changing and taking pictures in front of the mirror. Add to that a few conversations, and when you finally get to the exercise, you don’t really want to. You do a few series so that it doesn’t seem like wasted time, and you go home almost fresh. In this case, it is obvious that such training will not really help you lose weight.
A study by Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise concluded that for effective weight loss, you should have 225-420 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity per week. The upper limit of this recommendation corresponds to exactly one hour of activity each day. However, it is important to maintain this activity on a regular basis. [20]
What can be done about it?
There are two main types of exercise – aerobic and anaerobic. In the first case, it is endurance training, in which large muscle groups, such as the arms and legs, are most often used. It supports the circulation of oxygen in the blood and leads to faster breathing. A good example is running or cycling. Anaerobic exercise involves short but intense to explosive activities, such as strength training with heavy weights or sprints. During these workouts, oxygen consumption is higher than its supply and the body is primarily driven by the energy stored in the muscles.
Aerobic training takes place at a lower intensity. Thanks to this, you can do it longer, and you can burn more calories. A good example is cycling, which you will probably be able to spend a few hours doing. In contrast, we can use an example of strength training, which is one of the anaerobic types of exercise. It works with a heavy strain on our body, which means considerable stress. It disrupts the normal state of our internal environment and increases the level of stress hormones for several hours after exercise. Then comes the phase of bringing the body to rest (homeostasis), which is associated with increased oxygen consumption. This is manifested by increased energy expenditure for several hours after training.
A combination of aerobic and anaerobic training, for example in the form of said strength training, thus proves to be the best choice to promote weight loss. You should also make sure that you put everything in your training. Focus on every move and get motivated by a good playlist. Try to have a strong will because it is important to persevere and work on yourself consistently. For more tips on how to do this, see our article Self-Discipline: the Key to Success in Sport and Life. [9]

7. You lack natural movement during the day
You know very well that your effort to lose weight will not work without exercise. Even though you are not a fan of exercise, you manage to complete your training three times a week. After that, you return to your sedentary routine with a good feeling, thinking you have done well today, and you can rest your feet on the table. Then you look at your friends who don’t even work out, but are still slimmer and more fit. Well, have you heard of the power of natural movement?
NEAT, or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis, is a known term for all calories burned from normal activities during the day. This number can mean a lot in your attempt to lose weight. Let’s say that if you exercise three times a week, you can burn about 400 kcal per each workout. Then there is someone who moves naturally every day. They are used to getting everywhere on foot, walk thousands of steps, carry heavy shopping bags, run up the stairs to the flat, do housework and occasionally cycle. It may not seem like it, but these natural activities can burn many more calories than your workout. [41]
What can be done about it?
Try to think about your daily routine and find ways to add more natural activity to it. The easiest way to expend more energy during the day is to walk more. Do not avoid the stairs, park further from your destination, or plan isolated 20-minute walks. Try to reach a certain number of steps every day – a pedometer on your smartphone can help you with that.
You can also say goodbye to your chair and replace sitting by standing. The difference in calories between the two activities is not great, but you are more likely to move around when you are standing. Also, remember that housework can be a good helper in burning calories. This fact will serve as a motivation for everyday activities that many people do not like. [42]
8. Sleep is an unnecessary luxury for you
You probably know this common scenario in the busy world we live in. A lot of things get pushed aside, and you’re probably not the only one postponing sleep because of it. After work or school, you have your own schedule and you try to catch up on various hobbies or time with friends. When you get home in the evening, Netflix is already waiting for you, and it’s easy to forget about time and devour one episode of a show after another. The morning alarm clock becomes a curse that you snooze at least three times. Whether you like it or not, this routine is directly reflected in your efforts to lose weight.
Studies show that poor sleep can help increase the risk of obesity and diabetes. In addition, it is accompanied by other manifestations that may have a direct effect on your efforts to lose weight, such as an increased appetite for sweet or caloric foods. This is due to the fact that lack of sleep reduces leptin levels. Its reduced concentration indicates to your body that you are hungry, even if you are not. On the contrary, levels of ghrelin in your organism increase. If the value gets too high, it tells your body that you are hungry and your appetite increases. The absence of sleep also has a negative effect on other hormones. For example, it lowers testosterone levels, which play an important role in losing weight and gaining muscle. Testosterone secretion is mainly affected by the length and quality of sleep itself. [21] [43]
If you are more interested in this issue, read our article What Happens to Your Body When You Don’t Get Enough Sleep?
What can be done about it?
The most common recommendations talk about 7-9 hours of sleep. However, each of us has different needs in this regard. So, if in the morning you don’t feel well and you can’t imagine a day without coffee, you should probably do something about it. A general lack of sleep is considered to be less than 6 hours. However, according to the CDC, you should not sleep for less than 7 hours. Try to create a peaceful environment at home that is dark, quiet and cool. You also should not consume caffeine when it’s late. Furthermore, a blue light emanating from your smartphone display can also cause sleep issues. However, various nutritional supplements can also improve your sleep. Melatonin is one of the most popular, as it can reduce the time needed to fall asleep. [22]

9. You lose control over weekend
You exercise regularly and try to keep your calories under control. But then you eat a couple of chocolate bars, treat yourself to fast food once a week and pretend that nothing has happened. Or maybe you are being good and do everything as you should, but once the weekend comes, it’s time to go out without any restrictions. It’s time for some nice selection of sodas or even alcohol. You don’t even realize it and after a few shots you are stumbling out of a kebab shop. You have a large Döner in one hand and XXL coke in the other. Before you continue, you should know that if this is what you do, all your efforts to lose weight are for nothing.
While cheating may be part of a diet, it should be a planned, calorically calculated and only temporary permission to eat something that does not fit into your diet. This procedure relies on the fact that if you indulge in a short time of enjoyment, you will be able to follow a strict diet for much longer. In practice, it is applied as a cheat meal – only one meal or cheat day – several meals throughout the day. Cheating methods are very variable and their inclusion in your calorie plan depends on your preferences and goals. There is no universal pattern for cheat meals, but most common is to do it once or twice a week. [23]
What can be done about it?
First and foremost, stop blaming yourself and learn to forgive yourself. Each of us sometimes has a weaker day, but after that, we try to get back on track as soon as possible. If you are just starting to lose weight, it is probably not appropriate to immediately think of a cheat day, during which you would overeat and spoil your progress. It will be more effective if you occasionally treat yourself to some sweets and include it in your caloric intake. Thanks to this, you do not have to give up your favourite goodies and you will not lose the results.
Keep in mind that skipping meals is not a solution to reverse cheating. This method is tempting, but it will rather make you hungrier and your next meal will probably be twice as big. This can then contribute to weight gain. Try to choose meals in your calorie plan that you like and you can imagine eating for much longer periods of time. You can also try to include your favourite food (even a caloric one), but of course in a reasonable amount. Flexible dieting is based on this principle, and many people find it much more pleasant than drastic diets. [24]
10. You don’t pay attention to liquid calories
Calories from meals scare you, but you eat your healthy lunch with coke or some other soda? Sometimes beer, wine, juice, smoothies or even hard alcohol join the mix. Especially in summer, various refreshing drinks are very tempting, but they are literally bursting with calories. And these can be the reason why you can’t lose weight.
Sweetened drinks will give you liquid calories, but most of the time they have no other benefit for you. One can of coke can easily hide up to 10 sugar cubes (approx. 142 kcal). Another problem with sweetened beverages is that although people intake a lot of calories after consuming them, they do not feel as full as if they ate them in the form of solid food. Studies also suggest that people do not compensate for the high caloric content of sugary drinks by eating less food. Caloric intake is also increased by alcohol (approx. 7 kcal / g), and it can also break down your barriers to craving sweet or unhealthy foods. Then there are your favourite smoothies or juices, which do contain vitamins, but also a huge portion of calories, which you usually don’t need. [25–27]

What can be done about it?
In general, it is best to drink pure or carbonated mineral water. If you are not a fan of it, there are many ways you can flavour it without ingesting dozens of calories. Very simple solution is a jug of water with lemon, mint and ice during hot days. Tea, popular BCAAs or a flavoured powder with a minimum of calories can also help make your water even tastier. You can also reach for ion supply or RTD drinks, which will also supplement the ions lost by sweating during exercise and are also full of vitamins.
11. You spin in a circle of absurd diets
It’s time to open Google and finally find a diet that will get you your dream body. Follow the motto – the stricter, the better because yesterday was already too late for the results. After two weeks, you will find that you can’t function on this diet for another day. However, only the weak give up, so you are looking for another one that will, sooner or later, end the same way. After half a year, you have counted more attempts than lost kilos, and here’s the problem.
The fact is, however, that most diets, regardless of their core, result in short-term weight loss. It works, but it is not sustainable in the long run. These diets eliminate one or a group of foods from your diet, and because you have little choice, you run into a brutal deficit. This causes rapid weight loss, which, I repeat, is not sustainable in the long run. Spinning in a circle of different diets can also cause the so-called yo-yo effect, with which you will gain back lost kilograms and maybe some extra ones. In addition, this procedure does not teach you healthy eating habits and can be frustrating after a while. [28]
What can be done about it?
When trying to lose weight, you should focus more on a long-term sustainable way of eating. It should not cause you daily struggles. It should be a plan that you are able to follow not only this week, but also for a few more months. The key to success is a complex diet that becomes a part of your life. If you want to maintain healthy eating habits, try adding more fruits, proteins and vegetables to your diet.
Try to prepare a less caloric version of your favourite cake and look for some healthy snacks. Try to reduce the amount of sugar, fat and salt content, but also pay attention to the size of your portions. Try to implement the changes gradually, so they will not be so drastic and it will be much easier for you to get used to them. [29–30]
You may also get some inspiration by our article What Is a Healthy Diet and How to Learn to Eat Healthy?
12. You eat a lot of refined carbohydrates and highly processed foods
There is nothing better than to start your day with a fragrant fresh white bread that is a regular part of your diet. When it’s time for a snack, you try to control yourself, so you choose cookies that have the word “fitness” written on the packaging. However, upon closer inspection of the ingredients list, you can easily find that they have almost the same amount of sugar as regular sweets. Then you have some vegetable salad for lunch, but you add some meat with fries and ketchup. Then some small dessert, most likely something highly processed. Those foods, even in small quantities, contain a huge amount of calories. Therefore, you should swap all refined carbohydrates with healthier alternatives.
Refined carbohydrates are often low in fibre and a high in glycemic index. This means that the body digests them quickly and the feeling of satiety will only last a very short time. In addition, they cause large fluctuations in blood sugar levels, which make you rather hungry. This then forces you to reach for more food, which can contribute to overeating and more calories. Long-term studies have also shown that consumption of refined carbohydrates is associated with increase in belly fat. [31–33]
What can be done about it?
Focus on eating healthy carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. The feeling of satiety will last you much longer after consuming them and will not force you to overeat. These are, for example, fruits, vegetables, legumes, white yoghurt, nuts, eggs and various types of meat. You can exchange classic white pasta for whole grain or low-calorie rice, which has almost zero carbohydrates, sugars and fats.

13. You want all or nothing
You have literally eliminated everything unhealthy and stopped eating processed foods, pastries, cheeses, dairy products and various snacks. Basically, you only live on chicken, fruits and vegetables. At first glance, it may look perfect and you are looking forward to seeing early results until the moment IT happens. Here comes the pantry, which hides delicious milk chocolate. After consuming it, you consider your plan failed and you stop caring about diet. That’s when you open an XXL pack of chips, put a movie on and have some beer. The next morning, the remorse forces you to come back and try again, but you know that this failure will happen again.
Functioning in the above manner is a relatively destructive cycle that goes from extreme to extreme. All or nothing mindset keeps you in a constant circle of wins and losses, which gradually makes you more and more frustrated. Not to mention that people around you will most likely make fun of you for starting over five times a month. [34]
What can be done about it?
Try replacing your negative thoughts of failure with more realistic goals. Learn to value yourself. Instead of thinking about failure, think about how many other life achievements you have already had. Focus on your strengths to help keep your training and diet in check. Understand the fact that there are failures in life, but try to use them to move you forward. [35]
14. You do not have the support
It takes a lot of courage and determination to take the first steps on the path to a healthier self. Your decision is clear and you mean it. However, your family and friends even complicate your efforts to lose weight by making fun of you, and it is clear to everyone that they do not trust you at all. Over time, you start believing that you can’t do it and your journey ends.
As silly as this behaviour may sound, people do make fun of healthy eating. Especially where something like this is not common and they themselves would never even consider it. The fact remains that losing a few kilos is not easy, and ridicule of people around you make the whole process even more difficult. [34]
What can be done about it?
If you feel that you lack sufficient support from others, try to talk openly with your family and friends. Explain to them what this is about and that your health means a lot to you, and you would appreciate it if they stopped underestimating you. If this system does not work, keep in mind that you are losing weight for yourself, not for others. Try to ignore negative comments and don’t let them influence your efforts. Reject junk food even if your loved ones offer it to you, and stick to your motivation. Focus on your progress, set short-term goals, and connect with someone in your neighbourhood who has the same goal. Following the motivational profiles of people who have accomplished what you are striving for can also help. [36]

15. Health issues
Your motivation works like a charm. You exercise regularly and you manage to keep to the caloric deficit that you have set. You could say that everything is going as it should. That is, until you find out that the number on the scale is not moving in the right direction. However, your efforts look flawless, so it’s time to think hard about where the problem might be. Did you forget to take health issues into account?
Some health problems can lead to weight gain or make it difficult for you to lose weight. Examples include:
- hypothyroidism
- polycystic ovary syndrome
- sleep apnea
- some types of drugs and medicines
- chronic stress
The latter factor triggers the release of a hormone called cortisol, which affects a number of processes throughout the body. Moreover, feelings of anxiety, sadness and the mentioned chronic stress level further increase its level. This can lead to weakened immunity, increased blood pressure or gained belly weight. [2] [37]
What can be done about it?
If you think you are affected by these or other medical conditions that prevent you from losing weight, talk to your doctor about other options. Also try to go for preventive check-ups or examinations on a regular basis. Remember to tell your doctor about all the problems, but also the suspicions that are bothering you. Get examined and follow any prescribed treatment.
What should you remember?
From the above information, it follows that the effort to lose weight may be accompanied by various obstacles. If you have decided to take the first step, it is important not to give up. As you can see, each problem has a solution and it’s up to you how you approach it. Keep in mind that the key to success is a caloric deficit and the amount of physical activity associated with it. Count your calories as accurately as possible, and don’t try to measure progress just by weighing yourself. In addition, avoid drastic diets that will ban everything you can think of. Find your ideal path, which will be sustainable and most importantly healthy.
[1] Karin Miller - What Is A Calorie Deficit—And How Do You Calculate One For Weight Loss? –
[2] Kris Gunnar - 20 Common Reasons Why You’re Not Losing as Much Weight as You Expected To –
[3] McCall Minnor - 7 Things That Affect Your Weight (Besides Diet and Exercise) –
[4] What Are The Factors That Impact Weight Gain? –
[5] Khadejah Makkieh - How to Record the Progress of a Diet –
[6] Paige Waehner - How to Track Your Weight Loss Progress –
[7] Damon L. Swift, Neil M. Johannsen, Carl J. Lavie, Conrad P. Earnest, Timothy S. Church - The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Maintenance –
[8] D. M. Thomas, C. Bouchard, T. Church, C. Slentz, W. E. Kraus, L. M. Redman, C. K. Martin, A. M. Silva, M. Vossen, K. Westerterp, S. B. Heymsfield - Why do individuals not lose more weight from an exercise intervention at a defined dose? An energy balance analysis –
[9] Aaron Kandola - Possible reasons weight loss is not working –
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[13] Cut down on your calories –
[14] Megan Ware - How to get enough protein
[15] [
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[18] Dominik H Pesta, Varman T Samuel - A high-protein diet for reducing body fat: mechanisms and possible caveats –
[19] Margriet A B Veldhorst, Margriet S Westerterp-Plantenga, Klaas R Westerterp - Gluconeogenesis and energy expenditure after a high-protein, carbohydrate-free diet –
[20] David S Weigle, Patricia A Breen, Colleen C Matthys, Holly S Callahan, Kaatje E Meeuws, Verna R Burden, Jonathan Q Purnell - A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations –
[21] Brad Dieter - Protein And Weight Loss: How Much Protein Sould You Eat To Lose Weight? –
[22] DONNELLY, JOSEPH E. Ed.D (Chair), BLAIR, STEVEN N. PED, JAKICIC, JOHN M., MANORE, MELINDA M., RANKIN, JANET W., SMITH, BRYAN K. - Appropriate Physical Activity Intervention Strategies for Weight Loss and Prevention of Weight Regain for Adults Ph.D. –
[23] Kristen L. Knutsona, Eve Van Cauterb - Associations between sleep loss and increased risk of obesity and diabetes –
[24] How Much Sleep Do I Need? –
[25] Ansley Hill - Should You Have Cheat Meals or Cheat Days? –
[26] Aviva Romm - How Skipping Meals Can Make You Gain Weight –
[27] Gregory Traversy & Jean-Philippe Chaput - Alcohol Consumption and Obesity: An Update –
[28] Pan, Ana, Hu, Frank Ba - Effects of carbohydrates on satiety: differences between liquid and solid food –
[29] Calories in Sugar Cubes –
[30] Dangers of Dieting: Why Dieting Can Be Harmful –
[31] Philip Ellis - A Top Trainer Shared 5 Reasons Why You Might Not Be Losing Weight –
[32] How to Maintain a Healthy Eating Lifestyle –
[33] D S Ludwig, J A Majzoub, A Al-Zahrani, G E Dallal, I Blanco, S B Roberts - High glycemic index foods, overeating, and obesity –
[34] Belinda S Lennerz, David C Alsop, Laura M Holsen, Emily Stern, Rafael Rojas, Cara B Ebbeling, Jill M Goldstein, David S Ludwig - Effects of dietary glycemic index on brain regions related to reward and craving in men –
[35] Jytte Halkjaer, Anne Tjønneland, Birthe L Thomsen, Kim Overvad, Thorkild I A Sørensen - Intake of macronutrients as predictors of 5-y changes in waist circumference –
[36] Amanda Capritto - Why it's so difficult to lose weight: Hard truths you should know in 2021 –
[37] Katharyna Star - How to Overcome All-or-Nothing Thinking –
[38] 8 Ways to Overcome a Lack of Support for Weight Loss –
[39] Karen Eisenbraun - 7 medical conditions that make it difficult to lose weight –
[40] Optimal Protein Intake Guide –
[41] Ralf Jäger, Chad M. Kerksick, Bill I. Campbell, Paul J. Cribb, Shawn D. Wells, Tim M. Skwiat, Martin Purpura a ect. - International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise –
[42] Why You Might Not Lose Weight (and Even Gain Weight) When You Eat Less and Run More –
[43] James Breese - What Is N.E.A.T And Why It Can Help You Lose Fat Faster –
[44] The Most Effective Fat Loss Method You’re Probably Not Using –
[45] R Luboshitzky, Z Zabari, Z Shen-Orr, P Herer, P Lavie - Disruption of the nocturnal testosterone rhythm by sleep fragmentation in normal men –