Do Men and Women Have the Same Nutritional Needs?

Differences between men and women can also be found in their diet. They are mostly related to different body structure, different sex hormone function or specifics such as pregnancy or testosterone production. Today’s article will reveal specifically how the nutritional requirements of the male and female body differ.

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12 Healthy High-Carb Foods to Add to Your Diet

It would be a horrible mistake to eliminate carbohydrates from your diet. You would be deprived of the many health benefits that these foods bring with them. And on top of that, you would also lose so many great options to make your life more enjoyable! Therefore, don’t send carbs packing, but rather learn how to choose the right ones.

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Affordable Protein-Rich Foods

Today, more than ever, we have to bear in mind food prices while shopping. Among the most expensive items is meat and other animal products. However, there are also cheaper foods that contain plenty of protein. Read on to find out which ones.

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Protein: Its Functions in the Body, Recommended Intake, Food Sources and Deficiency Symptoms

Did you know that protein plays a big role not only in muscle growth, but also in the proper function of the immune system or the feeling of satiety? Getting enough of it is really important. Today’s article will tell you how much protein you should eat evey day, what is the difference between its plant and animal sources or how it can help with weight loss.

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10 Tips to Lose Weight Easier and Get in Shape

Have you started the process of losing weight and is it not going as well as expected? It’s very likely that you are restricting yourself too much. Fatigue and constant feeling of hunger don’t have to be part of your schedule. Today’s article will tell you what to do to make losing weight a slightly better experience.

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