Brandon Curry: Millionaire and Mr. Olympia 2019, Who Coined the Workout Term “Freestyle”

Brandon Curry: Millionaire and Mr. Olympia 2019, Who Coined the Workout Term “Freestyle”

Brandon Curry is another prominent figure in the world of bodybuilding. His workouts are a perfect example of an anti-routine, as he likes to change his training plans and train more in freestyle mode. Proof that this style works perfectly, are his titles from Arnold Classic or Mr. Olympia. Brandon also likes to motivate others on his Instagram, where he is followed by more than a million fans. What does his life look like?

For his sixth birthday he asked for dumbbells

Professional bodybuilder Brandon Curry was born on October 19, 1982 in Nashville, Tennessee. He was drawn to sports since he was six years old. That’s when he asked Hulk Hogan dumbbells for his birthday. In addition to this world-famous wrestler, little Brandon also admired the action heroes G.I. Joe or the cult characters of Sylvester Stallone – Rambo and Rocky Balboa.

Brandon Curry could have easily become a gymnast. As a child, his parents enrolled him in gymnastics classes. However, he himself did not show much interest in this sport and preferred something more action-packed. In high school, he even played several sports, specifically wrestling, football and track and field – running, jumping and long throw.

From football to bodybuilding and the first success

While in high school, Brandon was active in several sports. When he went to college, he switched and only played football. Over time, however, it turned out that this was not very fulfilling for him and bodybuilding became his main focus. Curry’s first success came in 2003. That was when he won the Supernatural Bodybuilding competition.

Three years later, he won second place in the NPC Junior National Championships. At the time he weighed 86 kilos and was 170 cm tall, which placed him in the light-heavy weight category. He did not spend too much time in this category because he gained another 12 kg of muscle mass during the following year and thus got catapulted into the heavyweight category.

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Winner of Arnold Classic and Mr. Olympia

The year of 2017 was the year, when Curry began to use his full potential. This reflected in the Arnold Classic and Ferrigno Classic competitions, where he defeated Cedric McMillan. He later joined the Kuwaiti Oxygen Gym. Training wasn’t always easy for Brandon because he had to leave his wife and children for several months. Although he missed them very much, he did not give up and worked hard to achieve his dreams.

For the first time in his life, he could only focus on training, diet and rest. And what did it bring him? In 2018, he became a huge sensation at Olympia Weekend, where he took 5th place. A year later, however, he reached for what most of his colleagues only dream of. He won first place at the Arnold Classic in Ohio and confirmed his dominance in one of the most prestigious bodybuilding competitions. Yes, Brandon Curry became Mr. Olympia 2019.

Millionaire and lover of freestyle training

For the triumph in the Mr. Olympia competition, Curry got a reward of $400,000. However, his total assets are estimated at 5 million. He is married to his long-time girlfriend and former bodybuilder Brandy Leaver and they are raising 1 daughter and 3 sons together. Brandon is not a fan of a boring exercise routine.

He loves freestyle and he likes to switch his routine time to time. His favourite exercises are deadlift, bench press and squats. He trains 4 to 5 times a week, but on weekends he always takes a break and devotes himself only to his family. Brandon usually eats 7 to 8 meals a day, mostly porridge, eggs, vegetables, meat, fruits, rice, nuts and sweet potatoes.

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