Fitness Recipe: Delicious and Fluffy Pancakes Three Ways

Fitness Recipe: Delicious and Fluffy Pancakes Three Ways

Pancakes are the ideal way to start to the day! We enjoy being able to prepare them in different ways depending on what we have at home or what we feel like eating. We bring you 3 pancake recipes, which are among some of our favourites. In addition, their preparation using healthy ingredients takes only a few minutes. Athletes will especially appreciate their decent amount of protein and taste, which they will certainly not tire of! Come try them!

Banana pancakes



Mix flour, protein, cinnamon, baking powder together, then add egg, banana, milk and mix ingredients well. If necessary, add milk to make the batter thicker. From the batter, shape the pancakes with a spoon on a heated and oil-sprayed pan. Cook for about a minute on each side. Serve the pancakes warm, topped with maple or any other favourite syrup. Garnish with banana and nuts. Have a great morning!

Nutritional values
1 portion (total 2 portions)
Protein14 g
Carbohydrates36 g
Fat5 g

Apple pancakes


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Mix flour, protein, cinnamon, baking powder and then add the egg, apple purée and milk. Mix ingredients well and, if necessary, add a little milk. You should have a thicker batter than classic pancakes. Finally, mix the diced apple into the batter. Heat the pan, spray with oil and spoon pancake batter into the pan, which is cooked for about a minute on each side. Serve pancakes warm, topped with maple or other favourite syrup and garnished with apple. Enjoy your meal!

Nutritional values
1 portion (total 2 portions)
Protein14 g
Carbohydrates30 g
Fat5 g

Cream Cheese Pancakes



Mix flour, protein, baking powder, then add egg, cottage cheese and milk, and mix ingredients well. If necessary, add more milk to make a thicker pancake batter. Finally, mix the blueberries into the batter. With a spoon, place the pancake batter into the pan, which we cook for about one minute on each side in a pan sprayed with oil. Serve pancakes warm, topped with maple or other favourite syrup and garnish with blueberries. Breakfast is served!

Nutritional values
1 portion (total 2 portions)
Protein18 g
Carbohydrates28 g
Fat5 g
Fitness Recipe: 3 Recipes for Delicious and Fluffy Pancakes

We believe that these recipes for delicious and fluffy protein pancakes will score for you, and you will win the whole family over with them! Don’t forget to share the recipe and treat your friends to this recipe as well.