Fitness Recipe: Apple Chutney

Fitness Recipe: Apple Chutney

Chutney, or apple and onion chutney, is a delicacy that goes well with meat and its vegetable alternatives as well as other dishes. It is also perfect with roasted vegetables or pastries. There is nothing complicated about the preparation and the result is definitely worth it. In fact, this chutney will elevate virtually every lunch or dinner to a new level.


Apple chutney - ingredients

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Take the onions, peel and chop them finely. Heat up a pan and let the onions brown in olive oil. Alongside, prepare the apples. Peel, core and cut into small cubes. Then add them to the onions together with the grated or finely chopped ginger and crushed garlic. Heat everything together in a pan, stirring occasionally, until the apple juice is released. Then add the erythritol, apple cider vinegar and salt to taste.

Apple chutney - mix of apple and onion

Simmer on a low heat for approximately 20 minutes. Stir occasionally during this time and add water gradually as needed. The liquid from the mixture should be about the consistency of syrup, so do not overdo it with the water. After 20 minutes of simmering, add raisins and simmer for another 10 minutes. Then taste the mixture, add more salt or apple cider vinegar as needed and serve. Store the uneaten chutney in the fridge in a sealed container.

Our tip: Chutney is perfect with meat. It also goes great with vegetable substitutes, baked goods or any vegetarian and vegan dishes.

Apple chutney

Nutritional values

For the total amount

Energy value777 kcal
Protein6 g
Carbohydrates129 g
Fats21 g
Fibre24 g

If you want to spice up your lunch or dinner and add a new flavour dimension to it, then our apple and onion chutney is a perfect choice.

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