Fitness Recipe: Coconut Cake Cups with Yoghurt Cream

Fitness Recipe: Coconut Cake Cups with Yoghurt Cream

A fluffy cake and delicious coconut-flavoured cream? Imagine that this combination tastes even better than it sounds. And you don’t even have to have any special skills to make it a hit. If you’re also one of those lovers of all coconut things, then you definitely have to try this tasty treat.

Ingredients for the cake:

Ingredients for the garnish:

Coconut cake with yoghurt cream - ingredients

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Start by preheating the oven to 180 °C. Then add oats, mashed banana, 10 g coconut chipsprotein powder, semi-skimmed milk and Flavor drops in a bowl. Mix everything together well to combine the ingredients.

Coconut cake with yoghurt cream - mix

Then add the coconut milk (solid and liquid part) and blend until smooth.

Prepare 3 small baking dishes and spray them with coconut oil or grease with some other fat. Divide the prepared mixture evenly into them and put in the oven. Bake until golden brown, for approximately 30–35 minutes.

Coconut cake with yoghurt cream - after baking

Allow to cool after baking, then top with Greek yoghurt, coconut Flavor drops, coconut chips or dark chocolate.

Our tip: Nut butter or protein ice-cream also go perfectly with this cake.

Coconut cake with yoghurt cream

Nutritional values

1 cake (3 servings in total)

Energy value529 kcal
Protein34 g
Carbohydrates52 g
Fats19 g
Fibre7 g

Even though it is a cake, you don’t necessarily have to eat it as a dessert. It’s also great for breakfast or as a snack.

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