Fitness Recipe: Coconut protein balls with almond just like Raffaello

Fitness Recipe: Coconut protein balls with almond just like Raffaello

Are you worried about carbohydrates, sugar and a lot of calories? Try our home-made Raffaello in the fitness version. It contains curd cheese, protein, coconut, roasted almonds and 4 g of protein per one ball. You can eat this delicious temptation completely without remorse. Bon appetite!


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Mix the curd cheese with coconut, protein powder, flour and Xylit to a fine cream. Cook the almonds in boiling water for about 30 seconds, then drain them and remove the peel. Then gently roast them in a pan without oil.

Fitness Recipe: Coconut protein balls with almond just like Raffaello

From the curd mixture, we make 18 balls with your fingers and put the cooled almond in each of them. Coat the coconut protein balls like Raffaello in coconut and let it harden in the fridge for an hour. Yummy!

Fitness Recipe: Coconut protein balls with almond just like Raffaello
Nutrition Information1 ball
Protein4 g
Carbohydrates3 g
Fats3 g
Fibre1 g

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