Fitness Recipe: Flourless Poppy Seed Cake with Cottage Cheese Filling

Fitness Recipe: Flourless Poppy Seed Cake with Cottage Cheese Filling

No flour, minimum fat and a hearty dose of protein! This is our delicious new recipe for a sweet poppy seed cake with cottage cheese filling and raspberries, which you wouldn’t resist. The combination of a fluffy dough, a fresh taste of raspberries and a soft cream has won our hearts and especially the taste buds. Come bake it with us and make your day better with a colourful and delicious dessert!


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Mix poppy seeds with 30 g of sugar, protein, 80 g of curd, egg yolks and milk. Whip egg whites to stiff peaks, and then gently mix into the poppy seed dough, so that it remains fluffy. Next, prepare cheese cream by mixing the remaining curd, pudding powder and the remaining sugar. Line the small baking pan (we used 20×20 cm) with baking paper and pour half of the poppy seed dough into it. Spread the cheese cream on the dough with a spoon and pour the remaining dough on top. Top with the raspberries, press them gently into the dough and bake at a temperature of 180 °C until golden, for about 20-25 minutes. Let the cake cool down completely before slicing and serve it with lyophilized raspberries.

Fitness recipe: Flour-free poppy seed cake with a fine cottage cheese filling
Nutritional values1 piece (total of 9 pieces)
Protein9 g
Carbohydrates9 g
Fat6 g

Video recipe for flourless poppy seed cake:

We believe that the recipe for a flourless poppy seed cake with a cottage cheese filling will make your day more exciting and help you to satisfy your sweet tooth! Do not forget to share this recipe with your friends.