Fitness recipe: Homemade protein pizza with ham, corn, and olives

Fitness recipe: Homemade protein pizza with ham, corn, and olives

Are you craving something healthy and full of protein? Are you tired of losing a lot of time in the kitchen? If that’s your case then you have to try our fitness recipe for homemade protein pizza. It is fast, simple and full of protein. Whats-more, you can eat the entire pizza at once because it’s so low in calories. You do not have to resist your crispy protein pizza anymore. Just prepare it according to our recipe as your lunch or dinner. Yummy!

We need:

  • 2 measuring cups of Protein Pizza
  • 75 ml of water
  • 50 g tomato sauce or ketchup
  • 50 g mozzarella light
  • 40 g high-quality chicken ham
  • 40 g sweet corn
  • 20 g olives
  • A few leaves of fresh basil

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Mix Protein Pizza, water and ingredients all together and knead a dough. Place the prepared dough on a baking paper and roll it into the circle shape. Put the dough in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 º C.

After five minutes, remove the baking sheet from the oven and add the remaining ingredients. Firstly, spread the tomato sauce on to the dough, and then place your preferred ingredients on top. We used ham, mozzarella, corn, and basil. Put the pizza into the oven for another 5 minutes and serve. Enjoy!

Fitness recipe: Homemade protein pizza with ham, corn, and olives
Nutritional informationfor the whole pizza
Protein41 g
Carbohydrates34 g
Fat9 g

Protein Pizza is a simple and fast dish to replenish protein during the day. Will you try it? Tell us how you prepare your pizza, and what do you like the most on top. We would be pleased if you send us a photo of your baked pizzas in the comments and support us by sharing this article.