Fitness Recipe: Homemade Vegan Toffifee

We all love the unmistakable combination of caramel, nuts and chocolate in the Toffifee dessert. That is why we have prepared a new recipe, which you can use to quickly prepare this delicacy at home, and you will need only a few ingredients. Moreover, our recipe is vegan and suitable for people with food intolerance. So let’s prepare our delicious homemade vegan Toffifee!


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Put a can of coconut milk in the fridge for the night. The next day, take the solid part out of it and melt it together with the sugar in a small sauce pan, stirring constantly. When caramel is liquid and smooth, put it away. Then add cashew butter and stir until you have a smooth mixture.

Preparation of caramel

Lieskové oriešky na panvici krátko opražíme a zbavíme ich šupky. Do formičiek nalejeme mierne vychladnutý karamel, vložíme oriešok do stredu a zalejeme ho zvyšným karamelom. Toffifee vložíme na pol hodinku do chladničky, aby nám karamel stuhol, a následne ho dozdobíme roztopenou čokoládou. Dezert vložíme do mrazáku aspoň na dve hodiny, potom bonbóny vylúpneme z formičiek a vychutnávame! Toffifee aj naďalej skladujeme v mrazáku.

Fitness recipe: Homemade vegan toffifee
Nutritional valuesper 1 piece (15 pieces of toffifee)
Protein1 g
Carbohydrates3 g
Fat3 g

We believe that you will definitely try our recipe for the popular Toffifee dessert, and if you like it, don’t forget to support us by sharing it.