Fitness Recipe: No-Cook Gingerbread Oatmeal

Fitness Recipe: No-Cook Gingerbread Oatmeal

Do you like both oatmeal and gingerbread? If that’s so, you definitely have to try out today’s recipe for oatmeal, which smells and tastes like vanilla, cinnamon and gingerbread spice. A big advantage is that it doesn’t have to be cooked and you don’t have to do much to prepare it. It’s perfect for meal prep that you can take with you to university or work.

Ingredients for the oatmeal:

Ingredients for the garnish:

No-Cook Gingerbread Oatmeal - Ingredients

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In a sealable bowl, mix all the dry ingredients – oatscinnamon, gingerbread spice and protein.

No-Cook Gingerbread Oatmeal - Dry Mix

Mix everything thoroughly and pour hot milk.

No-Cook Gingerbread Oatmeal - Preparation process

Mix again, close the lid and let stand for about 30–45 minutes. Then transfer the finished oatmeal to your favourite breakfast bowl, garnish with some maple syrup, hazelnuts or star anise and serve.

Our tip: If you are always in a rush in the morning, you can garnish the oatmeal directly in the resealable bowl and take it with you to work.

No-Cook Gingerbread Oatmeal
Nutritional Values
Whole Serving
Energy value531 kcal
Protein40 g
Cabrohydrates64 g
Fats11 g
Fibre8 g

If you like oatmeal, this one smells like Christmas and is sure to strike your fancy. You’ll surely appreciate that on hectic days you can simply take it with you to work.

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