Fitness Recipe: Pancake Cake with Vanilla Cream

Fitness Recipe: Pancake Cake with Vanilla Cream

Do you like sweet desserts and are hesitant whether to make pancakes or bake a cake? You don’t have to choose. In today’s recipe, we have combined both into one perfect delight, which is an amazing pancake cake. In addition to fluffy pancakes, you can enjoy a delicious vanilla cream, which is loaded with protein. This makes the pancake cake a great breakfast or snack for every active person. This pancake cake will definitely become a love at first taste.

Ingredients for pancakes:

Ingredients for the cream:

For the garnish:

Pancake cake with vanilla cream - ingredients

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Start the cake by making pancakes. Take a bowl and mix dry ingredients – spelt floursalt and xylitolWhen they are all combined, add eggs, ghee or melted butter, low-fat milk and sparkling water.

Pancake cake with vanilla cream - dough

Mix them all together to make a smooth dough. Put that aside, let it sit for a while and start preparing the filling.

Take a bowl and mix cream cheese, vanilla protein and vanilla Flavour Drops together. Then put the smooth cream in the fridge.

Pancake cake with vanilla cream - preparing cream

Then start preparing the pancakes. Take a pan, spray it with oil and pour an adequate amount of pancake dough on it. Fry each pancake until golden brown on each side. Once we have all the pancakes ready, let them cool. Then you can start assembling the cake itself.

Take one pancake and lay it on a plate. Apply a thin layer of cream and sprinkle it lightly with lyophilised raspberries. Then put another pancake on top.

Pancake cake with vanilla cream - layering

Continue the same way until you run out of the pancakes and cream. Finally, cover the top pancake with the cream as well and decorate it with lyophilized raspberries, shredded chocolatecashew nuts and you’re done. We recommend leaving the cake in the fridge for at least a few hours before serving it.

Our tip: If you want everything to work out evenly, calculate how many pancakes you have. Then divide the entire weight of the cream (approx. 780 g) by the number of pancakes and you will get the approximate amount of cream that you should put on each pancake. Then all you have to do is weigh each layer and everything should work out perfectly. If you want, you can keep more cream for the top part to make the cake look even more luxurious.

Pancake cake with vanilla cream

Nutritional Values

1 serving (12 servings total)
Energy Value325 kcal
Protein21 g
Cabrohydrates36 g
Fats9 g
Fiber8 g

The pancake cake is full of protein, so it is not only a great dessert, but also a delicious snack or breakfast that will always fill you up.

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