Fitness Recipe: Apple Quark Strudel

Fitness Recipe: Apple Quark Strudel

If you are wondering what other goodies you can make from the apples from your garden, we have a new tip for you. This time it will be an autumn classic, the apple strudel. Today we decided to enrich this delicacy with protein in the form of protein-packed quark dough which goes perfectly with its filling: a combination of apples, nuts and cinnamon. Well, you tell me, could this dessert be any more perfect for autumn?

Ingredients for the dough:

Ingredients for the filling:

Ingredients for the finishing touches:

  • 1 egg
  • 10 g powdered sugar
Apple Quark Strudel - Ingredients

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In a bowl, mix the dry ingredients for the dough, i.e. flour, protein powder and xylitol. Then add the other ingredients – quark cheese, coconut oil and egg. With your hands, make a firm and non-sticky dough and put it in the fridge to rest for a while.

In the meantime, prepare the filling. Peel and core apples and grate them coarsely. Then add the lemon juice and ground nuts. If you prefer larger pieces, you can just chop or cut nuts finely. Finally, add xylitol and cinnamon to the mixture and make sure that everything is nicely incorporated.

Then, dust a board or some clean surface with flour and roll out the rested dough from the fridge into a rectangle. Use the apple filling to cover the dough evenly. Leave approximately 2 cm on each side without filling so that it can be wrapped easily and the filling doesn’t leak out.

Apple Quark Strudel - Preparation

Wrap the dough and brush with beaten egg. Then put it in the oven preheated to 180 °C and bake until golden brown for about 25 minutes. Make sure you let it cool completely before cutting. When serving it, dust with some icing sugar and it’s ready to go.

Apple Quark Strudel Dough
Nutritional Values

1 Piece (15 Pieces Total)

Energy value126 kcal
Protein6 g
Cabrohydrates15 g
Fats4 g
Fibre3 g

This apple strudel with nuts and delicious quark cheese dough is the perfect autumn snack that will please your taste buds and guests.

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