Fitness Recipe: Sweet Banana Cocoa Bulgur Porridge

Fitness Recipe: Sweet Banana Cocoa Bulgur Porridge

If you’re tired of rotating different types of oatmeal over and over again, it’s time for a change. Put oats aside this time and pull out some bulgur to replace them. If you decide to give this sweet breakfast dish a try, you are guaranteed to enjoy a deliciously creamy porridge. And if, like us, you garnish it with some banana, honey and hazelnuts, it will be absolutely perfect.


Ingredients for the garnish:

Sweet Banana Cocoa Bulgur Porridge - Ingredients

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First, put all the dry ingredients in a pan – uncooked bulgur, protein powder, chia seeds and cocoa powder. Then cut the banana into slices and add it to the dry mixture.

Sweet Banana Cocoa Bulgur Porridge - Ingredients in the Pan

Add milk to the mixture, mash the banana and cook on the stove for approximately 15 minutes. Stir the mixture occasionally so that it doesn’t stick to the pan and everything is mixed well.

After 15 minutes, turn off the stove and let it sit under the lid. If the porridge seems too thick, add a little milk or water to thin it out. Divide the entire porridge into 2 bowls.

Sweet Banana Cocoa Bulgur Porridge - Porridge before garnish

In the end, decorate with sliced ​​banana, honey, hazelnuts and serve.

Sweet Banana Cocoa Bulgur Porridge
Nutritional Values
1 serving (2 servings total)
Energy value625 kcal
Protein33 g
Cabrohydrates95 g
Fats9 g
Fibre16 g

If you can’t imagine your morning without your beloved porridge, then you’ll surely love this bulgur variation. It will immediately win you over with its subtle nutty taste and aroma.

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