Fitness Recipe: Sweet Couscous with Poppy Seeds and Raspberries

Fitness Recipe: Sweet Couscous with Poppy Seeds and Raspberries

Tired of couscous with meat, tofu and vegetables made in a thousand different ways? Then let’s diversify your diet with this sweet alternative. The poppy seeds, which are perfectly complemented by freeze-dried raspberries, will ensure a great taste. The milk brings everything together, so you get a perfectly balanced combination of all the ingredients on the table.


Sweet couscous with poppy seeds and raspberries- ingredients

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Grind the poppy seeds in a grinder. Then put it in a pot (set aside a teaspoon of poppy seeds for garnishing), add couscous and unflavoured protein

Sweet couscous with poppy seeds and raspberries - method

Pour in milk, stir together and bring to the boil. When it starts to boil, remove from the stove and leave the mixture covered under the lid for about 10–15 minutes to soften everything together. When ready, stir everything together and serve.

Sweet couscous with poppy seeds prior to garnishing

Garnish with lyophilized raspberries, remaining poppy seeds and caramel Zero Syrup and enjoy.

Our tip: If you want to make the couscous even better, add nut butter, chopped nuts or coconut milk

Sweet Couscous with Poppy Seeds and Raspberries

Nutritional values

1 full serving

Energy value578 kcal
Protein47 g
Carbohydrates67 g
Fats12 g
Fibre7 g

Sweet couscous is great for breakfast. However, if you like sweet lunch, you will surely enjoy this treat at lunchtime.

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