How to please an athlete on Valentine’s Day? Protein breakfast in bed

How to please an athlete on Valentine’s Day? Protein breakfast in bed

Sweet protein breakfast expresses on Valentine’s Day what you are not able to say with words. Surprise your nearest and give them a dose of imagination on the plate. In addition, the fitness recipe for protein pancakes includes only healthy, high protein foods. Delight yourself and try it with a portion of hazelnut butter and a low-calorie apple jam Jammy Spread. Yummy!

Recipe for protein pancakes for Valentine’s Day


How to please an athlete on Valentine's Day? Protein breakfast in bed!

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Mix Protein pancakes mixture with water and then mix thoroughly in a shaker. Spray the pan with coconut oil in spray and make the pancakes (crumpets) from the prepared dough, baking them for about a minute on each side.

The finished protein pancakes are served with Jammy Spread, yoghurt, almond butter, nuts and fresh fruit. Et voilà, sweet protein breakfasts was born. Delight your loved ones with them on Valentine’s Day, after all, who wouldn’t love a breakfast in bed?

Nutritional values

for the whole portion

Protein32 g
Cabrohydrates49 g
Fats19 g
How to please an athlete on Valentine's Day? Protein breakfast in bed!

How do you like the recipe for protein pancakes? What do you like to enjoy protein pancakes with? Share your tips for serving a sweet breakfast with us and include a photo in the comments. Be sure to share the article so your friends and acquaintances have a sweet morning on Valentine’s Day too.