Paige Hathaway: training plan, diet and inspirational interview

Paige Hathaway: training plan, diet and inspirational interview

Paige Hathaway is one of the best known and most successful fitness models in the world, also dedicated to business, competing in bikini competitions, motivating hundreds of people and leading them as a motivational trainer. Its success helps people achieve their fitness goals. Millions of people around the globe follow Paige at her social accounts – Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook, which are full of pictures of her perfect figure. [1]

Year of birth: 1987

Height: 162,5 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Origin: Minnesota, USA

She grew up in Minnesota, USA. Paige left the small town as a girl and became a fitness icon. The American is an online sensation of social networks and an idol of many women. Her passion for fitness led her to compete and became a personal trainer that inspires others to achieve their own ambitions. She has been on the front page of many fitness magazines, such as Women’s Health, and has had a number of bikini competitions. But it was not always so easy for Paige – she had a very rough childhood. [5]


Paige had neither happy nor ideal childhood. When she was little, her parents divorced because her father was an alcoholic, so she had to divide her time between the two parents. They lived in a trailer and her mother was forced to use every type of state aid to make a living. At the age of four, she was taken from her mother’s care and entrusted to her grandmother. In the span of 12 years she was placed in a foster family and then two other families in which she grew up.

In her childhood and youth, she dealt with her alcoholic parents, neglect, abuse and betrayal. She had seen and seen a lot at her young age, and that made her grow much earlier than her peers. In spite of that, she earned three jobs while studying. Already at the age of 16, she decided to become independent and take control of her life. The judge granted her the right to free herself and stand on her own feet. Looking into her eyes, she can see that she has survived a lot. She was ashamed of where she came from, feeling helpless and lost.

However, her past has made her the person she is today. She said: „I decided not to let the past destroy me, but to turn it and use it to strengthen my mind and make myself a strong and better person. I can look at who I am today and be proud of the woman I became. [2] [3] [4]

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When Paige was older, she did not hesitate to work in several jobs to finance her college. Even as a student she had a passion for exercise and trained at the university gym.

But she never paid attention to diet. Paige has always been very skinny, and it was very hard to let her muscles grow. While playing football and maintaining active team engagement during her studies, nutrition has never been a priority.

Only later did she realize that being too skinny is just as bad as being overweight. Paige was not satisfied with her body composition and was given the desire to become a healthy and strong woman. This was the first thing that inspired her and moved her to a healthy lifestyle. [5]


After being approached by a personal trainer at the gym and telling her about the Bikini competitions, Paige began training in nutrition. The interview with the coach left her even more motivated to become a healthy and strong woman.

Before long, she decided to take part in her first competition – Ronnie Coleman Classic. Over the next 4 months, Paige began training and pushing her body to perform more than before. She increased her training intensity. Finally, Paige got a competition day. After months of rigorous preparation and drudgery she stepped onto the stage, the largest national NPC competition in the US. She did not win the first prize but got her place on the podium after finishing second. But it was not just the pride she took home after this experience. Paige realized how much she won and was hungry for success even more. She used her experience of the competition to inspire others through social networks. [5]


  • 2011 – Ronnie Coleman Classic Class C, 2nd place
  • 2012 – Oklahoma City Grand Prix Class B NPC, 2nd place
  • 2013 – NPC USA Championships Class D, 16th place
  • 2013 – NPC Junior USA Championships, 14th place


When she was approached by the Nutrition and Bodybuilding Society, Paige became their face. She realized the power of social media as it grew rapidly and how many people watched and supported its progress. However, when she was no longer satisfied with this new exposure, she decided to create an Instagram profile in 2015 in an effort to build a larger fan base. Almost immediately she found a bunch of followers who liked her pictures of perfect character or training.

But that didn’t stop her. Building on her success at Instagram, Paige also decided to create a subscription program and become a personal trainer. She creates personalized training and eating plans for her clients, as well as posting pictures and videos on her website to keep her fan base happy. [5]


Paige is a big advocate of plyometrics (explosive exercises) whenever she is at home. However, she always goes to the gym when she has time, and usually trains several muscle groups for training.

She is also a big fan of multiple reps – keeping 10-25 reps in a series, unless it is leg training, up to 50 reps per series. Her favourite workout revolves around the legs and ass that she practices most.

Her workout plans include also warm up her abdominal training 3 times a week, depending on which days she feels best. Paige always ends training (except training when exercising legs) with 15-35 minutes of cardio. For her it is necessary to make sure that she burns some other unwanted calories and keeps her in a fit form. She still ends her week of rest to indulge her body and avoid overtraining. [5]

A typical training week looks like this:

  • Monday – legs (heavy weights)
  • Tuesday – shoulders and back
  • Wednesday – legs (Plyometry – Explosiveness)
  • Thursday – shoulders and chest
  • Friday – back and biceps
  • Saturday – chest and triceps
  • Sunday – rest day


Paige is usually on a strict diet to stay lean throughout the year. Her favorite healthy food is red peppers. However, once a week she has her cheat day, during which she also treats herself with cheese, pizza, chocolate or ice cream. [5]

Her typical day looks like this:

• Breakfast – Egg white and oat pancakes with peanut butter

• Snack 1 – 2 chicken pieces with a spoon of salsa

• Lunch – 2 slices of Ezekiel bread, 2 cups of spinach and 1 cup sliced chicken with Wishbone balsamic vinegar, 1 small apple

• Snack 2 – 1 tablespoon protein with water, 5 celery sticks with 2 tablespoons peanut butter

• Dinner – 113 g tilapia, 1 cup asparagus


How did you become such an influential fitness icon at the age of 28?

„I know people say this all the time, but it kind of just happened. My journey was more about me and doing everything I could to be both healthier and happier with myself. Being rewarded and fortunate enough to mentor all of these men and women is an incredible bonus. What’s most important is that I am doing what I love to do and feeling good about it every day.“

What inspired you to tap into the fitness world?

„A combination of a bad breakup and a very persistent personal trainer. At the time, I lived in Oklahoma City and just worked out recreationally. I had been approached a few times by the trainer of a new local gym about bikini competitions but didn’t think it was for me. After my boyfriend at the time and I called it quits, I needed to focus my energy on something positive. I went back to the trainer and was ready to work. Personal fitness became a natural and very healthy rebound. I quickly fell in love with lifting. Not only did my trainer show me how to lift, he taught me all about weight training and nutrition.

Did you face any career challenges along the way?

„One challenge I faced was being seen as more than a fitness coach and model. There is so much more I want to do with my life and share with my fans beyond this space. Don’t get me wrong, I am beyond fortunate to be recognized for something that I love to do. And having the ability to help empower others who may need that extra push is another benefit. But the truth is that I don’t want to be defined as one thing. And there are other things that I love to do as well — like cook and design.

Secondly, being seen as a serious competitor and formidable opponent in this mostly male-dominated industry. In the beginning, it was intimidating to approach the weight room as I wasn’t 100% confident I knew what I was doing. I wanted to be taken seriously as a woman and someone passionate about fitness. But most importantly, I wanted to be perceived as a true competitor and I had to work that.“

Any tips for success?

„To succeed, you must have a tremendous will and the burning desire to achieve your goal. You must know in your heart that consistency and perseverance are the only way. You may not be the most gifted, have the most talent, or even be the most educated, and that’s okay. Determination alone is contagious omnipotent. The hardest working person in the room will always outshine the rest.“

What is the most rewarding part of your career?

„Being a part of a person’s journey as they transform into the best version of themselves.

Did you ever want to quit?

„We are all only human. There have been many days where I thought about giving it all up. But when I am having a rough patch, I just remind myself that this is much bigger than me. It is about everyone else that I am able to help guide to be a happier and healthier person. That puts a big smile on my face and sets me back on course.“

How do you unwind?

I rest so that I can save up my energy for the next lap that I will run or the next weight that I will lift. A little wine or a massage every once.“

As a fitness guru, do you give yourself a cheat day?

„Absolutely, it is all about balance. I need a cheat day so I work that much harder when I am on. My go-to is definitely pizza, you name the toppings.“

How do you stay healthy on-the-go?

„I travel a ton and sometimes I don’t have time to hit the gym. That is the specific reason I created the PH Fit In 5 series. Each Fit In 5 provides a condensed workout that can be performed anywhere and doesn’t require any props. With deliberate breathing and constant muscle contraction, five minutes can prove a tough enough challenge even for an advanced fitness enthusiast like me..“

I like to opt for plyometrics! I have a wonderful Fit in 5 Video (above) on my website that explains this more in detail. It is a beautiful thing — a quick workout that can be done anywhere, at any time and guaranteed to make you sweat.“

Any advice for someone looking to start a fitness journey?

Don’t wait for someone to open the door. Build your own door, make your own entrance and create your own path. Empower yourself and hold yourself accountable.“ [6]

What could we learn from Paige Hathaway?

Paige has shown that fitness can be done by anyone, regardless of education or the environment where you come from. She was faced with many problems herself when she was a child. But it taught her to be strong and became a fitness icon. An important advice from Paige is to set high ambitions and always do everything possible to achieve your goals. [5]

Watch a video on how to become a fitness model by Paige Hathaway:

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[1] Paige Hathaway, My Name is Paige Hathaway, I am 26 Years Old. I am a Fitness Icon & Trainer –

[2] Paige Hathaway –

[3] Sam Rega, From foster homes to social media fame, Paige Hathaway is Instagram's fitness queen –

[4] Life, Tailored, Paige Hathaway Net Worth –

[5] Greatest physiques, Aesthetic Bodybuilders, Fitness Models & Athlete Profiles – Paige Hathaway –

[6] Jennifer Rice, Paige Hathaway Dishes on Career Success, Fitness Tips, and More, –