Do you know the feeling when yo do not know what to have for breakfast or for a snack? One option are delicious banana cookies only from three ingredients. Since they do not contain flour, sugar or eggs, they are not only delicious and tasty, but are also healthy.
You can also prepare them in advance, the day before to avoid unhealthy breakfast or snack on the next day.
For banana cookies only from 3 ingredients we need:
• 2 big ripe bananas
• 1/2 mug dark chocolate which we had broken into cubes (we can also replace it with raisins or cranberries)
• 1 and ½ mugs oat flakes (we can add coconut or nuts)
These ingredients should be enough for about 12 cookies.
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1. First preheat the oven to 180 up to 190 °C.
2. Prepare smaller baking tin and line it with baking paper.
3. In bigger bowl squeeze two bananas and mix them with other ingredients.
4. Then make smaller pancakes from this dough – “cookies” and place them on baking tin.
5. Bake for about 15 minutes. And voilá, done!
As we have already mentioned, you can improve the cookies when into the dough you will add grated coconut, crushed walnuts or hazelnuts or almonds. Also you can replace chocolate with dried cranberries or raisins. These healthy cookies are suitable for breakfast or as a snack when you need to gain energy. We wish you Bon appetite!

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