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Dear ladies, if you want to be fit, you must not be afraid of strength training. Get rid of all the prejudices that you will be bulky or transformed into “Hulk” in a female version. If you choose to work out with weights, you can only gain. Gain self-confidence, self-esteem, and a great body. It is true that there are a lot of myths and misunderstandings about women lifting weights. We’ll look at it closer and we’ll make sure why you should get stronger.
Why is it important for you to be strong?
Metabolism and muscles
The first and possibly the most important thing we need to mention is how does lifting weights affect body-fat burning.The more muscle a woman has, the more calories she will burn while doing nothing. So, ultimately, muscles speed up your metabolism, resulting in more effective fat loss.

Healthy bones
Many studies have confirmed that regular lifting weights can increase bone density. If you are 20 or 30 years old, you probably don’t often think of your bones, but one day you will have to. Just imagine how proud you can be when you realize how much you cared about the density of your bones even before you knew you had to.
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When you’re strong, everything is easier. Do you remember that furniture you needed to move or those heavy boxes when you were moving out and there was no one to help you? Now you can handle it yourself. And what about those 15 full bags of food or “must-have” clothes? From the car straight to home in one shot! And everything on your own! It’s an amazing feeling when you don’t need someone to help you with a heavy shopping bag. You can do it yourself and this kind of strength is priceless.

Strong women send out self-confidence that is contagious. I believe that it comes from the knowledge that in the gym you are able to give a spectacular performance. Confidence is very attractive and self-confidence begins to flow from the gym into every aspect of your life. Remember, if you can do this in the gym, you can do it in life.
Most women simply do not have such testosterone levels, that are needed to achieve a bulky figure. In addition, women with a massive muscular figure that you know from the magazine’s envelopes are most likely using hormones. While we all have different genetics and some of us are more prone to more muscle density than others, the general rule is that you have to train for the volume gain to become bulky.

Ask any bodybuilder and he will surely tell you that gaining muscle mass is not easy at all. You will not become a female version of “Hulk” only because you are doing squats with your body weight or weights, but you will end up with that kind of butt you deserve.
Training plan
In the same way as genetics, the style you train plays a vital role in how your body will change later on. Hypertrophy (the growth of muscle mass that affects the volume) is not as simple as you might think. Many bodybuilders train incredibly hard to make sure that their training program will support maximum muscle growth in such a short amount of time as possible.
Not even once a woman who exercised with weights has come with a complaint that she is too bulky. Most women usually train 3 to 5 times a week and do whole-body exercises, most common squats, step-ups, deadlifts, pull-ups, dips, rowing, pushes, kettlebell training, and interval training.

The key is to perform as many combined exercises with the whole body so that you support the growth of the lean muscle mass while reducing the amount of fat. If you are not going to the competition, you do not need to isolate groups of muscles and increase their volume.
Of course, everything depends on your diet as well, and “bulking” looks quite different than a solid nutrition protocol for a woman in the body fat reduction program. The point is that the way you eat and how you train will affect the development of your body. The whole body training program and diet rich in proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats is an effective way to lose fat and gain strength for most women.

How to start?
You may now be thinking about jumping off of your stepper and go lifting those weights. But how should you start?
The following three training programs for a week are an excellent starting point for beginners to discover their potential strength and start transforming their bodies. We recommend starting every workout with dynamic mobility, bridges, planks, and Turkish get-ups.
Training plan A
• Squat with a barbell 5 to 8 repetitions
• Bend-over barbell row: 8-10 repetitions
• Push Press: 8-10 repetitions
• Cardio Circuit: 5-8 repetitions
Cardio Exercise of your choice: 30 seconds sprint, 60 seconds of rest or free tempo.

Training plan B
• Deadlift with a barbell 6-8 repetitions
• Dips: 8-10 repetitions
• Kettlebell swings: 15-20 repetitions
• Cardio Circuit: 5-8 repetitions
Cardio Exercise of your choice: 30 seconds sprint, 60 seconds of rest or free tempo.

Traning plan C
• Back lunges: 8-10 reps (Each side)
• Assisted Pull-ups 5-8 repetitions
• Squat with a jump: 5-8 repetitions
• Cardio Circuit: 5-8 repetitions
Cardio Exercise of your choice: 30 seconds sprint, 60 seconds of rest or free tempo.

Are you going to try lifting weights? Tell us in the comments if you will give it a chance. If you liked the article, or think you would convince your friend or girlfriend to begin strength training support it by sharing.